Of cakes and skipping ropes

The best friend had her birthday a few days ago. Seemed to share it with another best friend. Couldn't be with one of them, made it up by going mad on the other.

Called up the other A at say, 4 in the morn before the actual day, for two purposes. To sing "4 in the morning" and to discuss a possible way to celebrate G's birthday. Got shouted at for the singing, was highly praised for the idea. Fell asleep by 4.30 again and was rudely awakened by the best friend at 9 in the morn. A (The best friend, not The Other A) wanted to know whether or not I'd call in five hours time. Completely forgot the time difference between here and India. Said I would and hurried off to buy a suitable skipping rope and cake. Met The Other A and the gang at about 10.30. Found G and dragged her to the park. Made her skip like a bunny on the rope in a funny game and gave her clues everytime she won. They added upto where she'd be getting a surprise birthday later that day. Had a rather intense conversation with the roommate about what cake to buy and got many many comments relating to our delayed sense of planning. Reminded me in time to call the best friend up and had a long and rather sentimental conversation with her. Got chided many a times about the choice of cake. (You see, cake's cake in my book. As long as it has a lot of chocolate on top.)

Evening rolled by rather quickly and made haste to reach the party in time. Reached a minute before the others. Relieved. Got the other best friend blindfolded and inside the restaurant with great difficulty and accidents. The Other A gets somewhat flustered by the city lights. Everybody sang in a chorus. Happy birthday to all.

Got drunk, really witty and slightly pukish. Fell of the bottom step and made a tragedy about it. Made love to the last piece of cake with my mouth and proceeded to drunk dial my girlfriend. Forgot the rest.

Rest, of the story.. The Other A will explain..