And More

Well, I'm The Other A in this equation. I'm a friend, a philosopher, a critic and long-time comrade of A. I perceive the cliques of the world as a balance between what is seen and and left unheard.
Monologue's are the basic part of my life. Im a rather shy gal and so I dont talk much to other people, but there is a conversational equivalent of a carnival going on in my head. I'd laugh at stuff my alter-ego says to me.

On occassion, I do have dialogues with a few other people. Dialogues, mind you. Not full fledged conversations. They're kind of difficult to have, wont you agree? I sometimes wonder why I didn't remain a loner forever. I accidentally managed to have a proper conversation with A and his friends and soon became part of a group.

Then again, seeing my love for monologue's, A listed me in on the blog.
Maybe it was worth it.

For now, with love
The Other A


Antara said...

I never doubted it was. Congrats on your first "public" venture.
Looking forward to your monologue's.
